Monday, June 25, 2007


It has been awhile since I last posted , the golf course opened so I have been a little busy caddying.
Yoga is the word , I believe strength and flexibilty will come more from yoga than anything else. I started P90X in feb and with it yoga X you workout in such a small area doing the vinyosa yoga and you sweat like you are doing a cardio workout, your muscles are at full attention the biggest part of the time. It is isometric excercise at its best, with all the twisting and holding positions. I am going to post a few pictures to show you how flexible you can become ;-)
cya soon
wink ;-)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


HEY GUYS. There seems to be a lot of controversy these days concerning gastric bypass surgery. I am sure some people have it done because they are at the end of there rope, and feel it is the only solution they have left. I am here to say, I once considered it as well, Tired of being BIG, Tired of being looked at in a BAD way, Tired of being BIG EARL, and Tired of being TIRED. Before I had considered having gastric bypass surgery I had went to a local physician, attempting to get a prescription for one of the new appetite suppressants of the current day , I really don't even recall the name of this particular drug, but all in all I must have pretty good drs. as none ever felt comfortable enough to prescribe any of those drugs to me. The thing I have to get off my chest is this. When I went to my dr on the last particular expedtition to try to attain the elusive appetite suppressants, which he would not prescribe. I went home empty handed and basically forgot about the drugs, not being one to rock the boat. I went on for a couple weeks maybe even as much as a month, then one day the phone ran a Drs office , not my Dr. was on the phone, I really dont know how they got my medical records as I always had assumed a dr patient relationship was privliged information. These people told me that under the current guidelines I was a perfect candidate for gastric bypass surgery,I totally went off on these people, whoever they were. I asked them did they consider it safer to cut up a persons intestines, than to precribe a medication to suppress ones appetite, I dont think they were expecting the response they got from me.I was angry , shocked, felt humiliated, I was overwieight not morbidly obese, at least that was how I saw the picture. I went on for a few more years, I would diet and lose a few pounds, I would put them back on season after season. I guess I finally arrived at the conclusion that i was morbidly obese and if somthing wasnt done by me I would not live to be a ripe old age. Looking back I still do not condone trying to drum up business for the surgeons on the telephone, but I do believe facilitys that offer these magic bullet operations should test patients to see if there is a problem with there metabolism, thyroid or anything else that would avoid a very intrusive surgery. If the only problem with the patient is to much food and no excercise,extensive diet counseling should be the first option the physician looks at. He or She should be thinking of the patients longterm future, and not just another day in the O.R. My personal physician these days does not advocate gastric bypasses, he doesnt think the entire story on them is in yet. Some people literally die from malnutrition following these procedures, others find a way to eat and end up gaining all there former weight back within a year or two. I was reading an article earlier today, that links a form of brain desease to the gastric bypass. In closing I believe in all sincerity with my heart of hearts, Education is the real tool to overcome obesity. People need to learn to read labels , they need to know something enriched is NOT a good thing it is just full of additives. I used to be the ultimate fatboy, my goal these days is to be the ultimate fitboy, and it is my desire that all who read this and face the same choices I faced, choose to fight the good fight and take there health into there own hands and educate themselves to the end goal of being a healthy fit person. cya soon ;-) Wink

Monday, March 12, 2007


I am a winner. The folks at Million Dollar Body say it is so.I feel great about this.I have never been the best at to many things in my life.The Best news is this,YOU can also be a winner. All it takes to be a winner with MDB is a serious commitment to diet and exercise.There is no magic bullet, just the determination to succeed. I have found in my personal journey, results have been the great motivator. It is true some workouts are so boring, that 45 minutes seems like 3 days, but then you measure your results against that time spent, and if you are successful it makes it all worthwhile .
I measure my success in pounds, inches, stamina, and strength. If you have succeeded in all these things you are on your way to being a much healthier and happier person. The bottom line is this people, you can wait around and do nothing worthwhile for yourself, or you can get busy, find a workout program that is right for you. It can be walking, jogging riding a bicycle, the main thing is to move, any athletic movement will make you a much fitter person in mind and body. SO GET BUSY AND DO ANYTHING
cya soon Wink;-)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

To Disney And Back


I am back from Disney World. It was great fun but I was ready to come home. I maintained my daily workout routines while gone, thus I didn’t worry too much about eating while there. I am sure that some days I walked as much as 7 miles while going around the different parks.

Food was one of the main focuses while we were in Florida. We purchased the Disney Dining Plan, it was great you are able to get a counter service meal a snack and a sit down dinner everyday, and it is more food than a person can eat; it gives one the flexibility to try new foods in the different restaurants. I ate escargot for the first time in my life, the sauce was better than the snails which were ok. I do like seared tuna that was a pleasant surprise. The great thing was the fact most of it was not buffet style meals, you had a portion and that was all. I am pleased to say that I didn’t overindulge to the point of making myself feel badly. Food however, will always be an obstacle for me in my journey to fitness.

When we arrived back in Virginia home from Disney, it was back to the business of a Healthy lifestyle. I did a three day semi-fast consisting of zone protein drinks water and green tea , after the third day I went back to a good balanced 40 30 30 meal plan. I got on the scales one week upon arriving home and was back at my pre-vacation weight of 200 pounds. I was pleased with this. Now I have kicked my workouts up another level and my body is craving more fuel, I am being very careful with this. I do not intend to overfeed myself, I now have to determine the caloric needs that my body requires the more intense exercise. I think when the Million Dollar Body E-Commerce Store opens; I will invest in a heart rate monitor to determine my caloric burn for my workouts. I am very excited that I am at the point in my journey where toning and building lean muscle mass is more important than losing weight, I am going to close now but will return again soon you all have a great day and good luck to all of you in your journey to good health and well being , if I can help anybody just email me at

Cya soon


Sunday, January 28, 2007

It is a good day,I went to walmart a couple days ago and a lady there, wanted to see my before and after photos, she said NO WAY , most people look old with saggy skin when they lose that much weight. I thanked her for the compliment, and explained that it may not cure all the sags but exercising while reducing your weight will make you look much better. At almost 47 years old I feel better than I have in my entire adult life.I often joke with people about my pant size now, when i started my transformation journey i was 52 inches around the middle, now I can say 34 waist first time since 3rd grade , which is probably not far from being the truth , another thing is I used to wear 32 length, but since now I wear my pants around my middle instead of under my gut, I got two inches taller and now wear 34x34 , so its amusing to me I bought pants 32 in length and now they are too short. I will soon make my annual spring trip to peebles to shop their winter closeouts,and get some proper long pants ;-) I may not be back on here for a couple weeks as the wife and I are going to disney world,it is something we look forward to doing each year, it breaks the winter up enough to make it seem a shorter season.I will leave now but will return later, probably going to show you my dogs and birds they are fun.
cya soon Wink ;-)

Thursday, January 25, 2007


I AM EXCITED . I am a independent coach for million dollar body, was a coach for beachbody,for over a year , I really enjoy helping people find solutions, for there health and wellbeing.My journey continues, and as I travel the road to fitness and health, there is always someone along the way that needs a handup.I am always willing to lend that hand, as hands were there to pull me along as I encounterd the first few rough bumps in the road.I would like to thank all my friends at beachbody now million dollar body for always being there for me, it wasnt always easy for me, believe me , I struggle at times just like everyone else trying to get healthy and fit.
I am excited about Million Dollar Body putting up there money to get people to workout.It sounds crazy to me but I am not a corporate type guy, I dont know the exact figures but I know they will give away over a million dollars this year.The GREAT thing about this concept and I am seeing it everyday in wowy our online workout place , that more people are there everyday, that tells me it is working, as an online coach that Excites me, I know some people may come for the prizes, thats ok somebody has to win, but people are going to be hooked on working out and leaving obesity, high bloodpressure,diabetes, heart desease all lyeinwwg in the dust, THAT is a good thing.If anyone ventures by to read this my website is
Please feel free to email me at if you want help and answers to your transformation journey to a new and better you.
cya soon Wink ;-)

Work Hard Loose Skin is a Blessing

Had a Great workout today really felt like I went to the limits of what I am capable of doing , it was good , I used 10 pound handweights in the Tony Horton master series sweat 5-6 workout today , If you take all his breaks and stop during the workout its not good, you cant keep your heartrate up , but keep moving and start his sequences while he is talkin about them it is a fun fast paced workout that is over before you know it.I feel guilty about calling it my workout for the day.
I switched to Debbie Seibers slim series workouts in Nov, she is a great coach ,should be a drill sargeant , the way she smiles at you while she is doing the same moves that are torturing you. I respect her because she is working the biggest part of the entire workout, it makes me feel that if I can keep up with her I have really done somthing to feel good about for the day.
I have definitely seen improvement in my abs since I have started slim series , she leads you from one move to another and has you locked in the proper position to start the next move.As you can see from my profile picture i was quite a large man, 52 in waist.I currently have some loose skin issues from being that OBESE, thats an ugly sounding word and nobody likes to consider themselves as such.I am hopeful my skintone will improve and I will not have to use surgical means to get the look that I desire. There are different things on the market that promise to help with stretched skin, but like other things is it true or is it hype? I dont know.
Am I vain for thinking i should have tight skin? Should a person have surgery when nothing is life threatening? There are no guaruntees in this life.I as an individual know when I take my clothes off know how I look.There are always choices to be made, what is right and what is wrong,I dont know what my decision will be.There is some humour to be found, I now with my new found health work as a caddy at the Cascades a part of the Homestead Resort in Hotsprings VA. I had the privlige to caddy for a very reputable plastic surgeon from savannah GA. I got a consultation after the round of golf, talk about cost effiency ;-) I was told the procedure i would need had to go all the way around , and its called a pulldown ,I picture it as pulling your shirt down to tuck it in , he told me anything less, just to do the front would be a waste , and to take my money and take a vacation.I am going to give myself another year to workout, toneup, and reevaluate later, their is no point in rushing into somthing that could be life changeing. You guys all have a great day
cya soon Wink ;-)


I used to be the king of the buffet, no bar was to big for my practiced eye. The fried oysters have been one of my favorite things to eat , and I have eaten as many as 5 heaped up plates, to the point of being hardly able to breathe and feelin as if I needed to throw up, now mind you the buffets are still a treat I do occasionally, but I do not indulge to the point of makin myself ill , it has been a hard learning experience tryin to live a healthy lifestyle and fitting a restauraunt into it.

McDonalds,Burger King, Hardees,and Wendys Have also gotten a fair share of my earnings, GET THE BIGGEST MEAL I CAN BUY, only 69 cents more gets you a double order of fries and a huge softdrink , and to really do it right get a big frosty or a hot apple pie to top it off. I can honestly say I do not miss saying the words UPSIZE IT. Who knows how many extra calories are consumed each year just by those two words.
We are a society bent on being good to ourselves, nothing but the best or the biggest for me. I have been guilty for most of my life right along with the rest of the good ole USA. I have made changes in my life that are the right choices, I eat the right foods the majority of the time , and also the right portion. So many times the proper food is laid out before us BUT instead of eating to live and sustain our bodys , we live to eat, turning our bodies into a garbage disposal unit, I dont know, but I imagine teh intestinal tract can get over worked just like any other organs acid reflux may be a rebellion of the stomach. I eat now and sometimes am not full when I quit, but I am not hungry either, that is the place we need to be with food DONT EAT TILL YOU ARE FULL,EAT JUST UNTIL YOU ARE NO LONGER HUNGRY .I believe that one rule would change the entire country if it was adhered to.
Most of my meals are taken at home,one key thing is to keep the cookin simple, it is much easier to eat better if the preperation time is short. A standard meal for me will be a Piece of fish panfried in extra virgin olive oil, a spinach salad , I just like spinach better than lettuce , and a medium sized baked sweet potato.I can walk in thedoor and be eating in 15 minutes.If Ido choose to go to a fast food place these days I will order the sandwich and a diet drink or better yet icewater , I do go to subways occasionaly unlike gered the subway guy, who ate every meal there , that would get old really quick ;-)
ANYWAYS PEOPLE whoever may read this I hope you can learn somthing from my mistakes and triumphs , It has been a struggle for me most of my life and I have decided to control my own destiny and not leave it in the hands of FOOD ,
I will be back
cya soon Wink ;-)
Hey everybody , I am so happy to be here and in the physical shape I am now . Eighteen months ago I was a tired fat man who was headed down the road to poor health. I found beachbody while watchin tv in the middle of the night , tv may have been watching me, it was late. I saw an infomercial with Tony Hortons Power 90. I watched with interest all the success stories how good everyone was looking , I thought I can do this, so I ordered the program.
I went to the mailbox , there to my surprise because I had forgotten about it was Power 90 , I put it on the table and went about my business.
The next day I looked a the box and made a decision I had paid good money for this program and I was goin to use it. I started with p90 1-2, it was a real struggle to get through the routines , I was weighing 320 pounds and could NOT do one pushup.
I was ashamed at the condition I was in, I had always told myself I am in much better shape than most men my size, it was the BIG LIE, I was in really bad shape.
I made the trip down the stairs everyday faithfully, I did the workouts I started out doin pushups from the knees , but I could tell I was gettin stronger everyday, I stayed with p90 1-2 60 days before I felt like I could move on to p90 3-4.
p90 3-4 was like startin all over again, it was like I was in bad shape all over again , what a shocker. The Workouts had just about doubled and were way more intense, I continued to trudge down the steps to push play on the dvd player. I weighed myself every week , this was the part that was discourageing I had been workin out almost 3 months by this time, and had lost less than 20 pounds.
I felt like I needed to have better results or I wouldnt be able to continue the workouts everyday. I looked around on the internet for eating plans and settled on the 40 30 30 plan I ordered a book from amazon called 40 30 30 fat burning nutrition. From that day forth working out everyday , useing the new eating plan , it was like throwing fat in the fire it was melting off my body P90 3-4 was becoming easier all the time, I was finally able to do the entire routine with no stops and not really worn down either. I imagine I felt like rocky at the top of the steps in Philadelphia, it was great. About the same time that i started the 40 30 30 diet, I discovered WOWY, WORK OUT WITH YOU It was great now I had people that were going through the same thing I was going through.
It was great haveing people to talk to and chat with about all the aspects of loseing weight, and health problems associated with being heavy, and learning how to get the most out of my workouts , it was a great support to me, I continued p90 3-4 until I found out about p90 master series , I didnt know if I liked master series or not, it did not seem as intense as p90 3-4 , till the day I Listened to what Tony Horton was saying and understood it , THE WORKOUT IS AS INTENSE AS YOU WANT TO MAKE IT from then on it clicked I pushed hard on master series and found it to be a great workout too.
From JULY 2005 not sure of the exact day , to the present time I have lost 45 inches from chest waist and hips , dont really know how many inches from arms and thighs, but I know it is significant.
My waist has shrunk to a size 34 from a 52 , and my weight has fallen from 320 pounds to 200 pounds.
I am grateful that I woke up in the chair that night and saw Power 90 and BeachBody on the TV, I have a quality of life and desire to live it I never could have had with my former weight.
cya soon wink ;-)