Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ThanksGiving Thoughts


The big day is almost here, everybody will get in there cars and travel many miles sometimes, to have a Thanksgiving feast with there family. When Dinner is served everyone will dig in and enjoy each and every bite. The sad part is this after the meal which was good no doubt, most of us will be miserable hardly able to move.

I believe there is a better way to enjoy your dinner, and still enjoy it all, use a smaller plate with proportionately smaller portions of the things you love, you will have the same enjoyment of the flavors but you will not have the bloated belly that really needs to burp just to get some space in it to work.

I have embraced a healthy lifestyle for several years and I cannot recall the last time I was miserable from eating a meal, I have enjoyed many meals and not being miserable is a bonus for sure. The best thing is you can look forward to the next meal and not be laying around on furniture waiting on your poor body that thought it was used for a garbage disposal unit to have to process the unexpected windfall.

Overeating is like trying to put 5 extra gallons of gas in your car, the difference being your poor body will accommodate the extra, and you will just be miserable for a few hours.

Ok Thats all I am going to say, go forth enjoy your day if you do fall off the fitness wagon and over indulge, it is a wagon and not a jet plane, you can climb right back on Friday and continue your journey .

Cya Soon


Monday, November 2, 2009

High School Years

I entered Highschool very overweight, and just like elementary school its harder for fat students .
The Big difference is all the bullys in the county are in one location so there are more of them to avoid, and it can't be done.
For the most part things go well, but then this is where the obese kids start to have trouble dressing out for gym, in a locker room with mostly fit kids in that day and time.
I always dressed for gym but there were always the FATSO comments to face everytime and that carryed over to the classroom if you shared classes with any of the locker room bullys .

I went through Highschool al the way through my junior year overweight. The summer between my junior and senior year I decided to lose weight. I didnt really know what to do , so basically I starved myself for the summer eating a cube steak sandwich a day and not very much else. When I returned to Highschool in the fall I was 40 lbs lighter and things seemed to be better as a non fat person. So now I knew for sure it was harder being overweight I was treated better by the same people that picked on me as an obese person. It may not be right but it is just the way it is
cya soon
Wink ;)