Thursday, January 25, 2007


I used to be the king of the buffet, no bar was to big for my practiced eye. The fried oysters have been one of my favorite things to eat , and I have eaten as many as 5 heaped up plates, to the point of being hardly able to breathe and feelin as if I needed to throw up, now mind you the buffets are still a treat I do occasionally, but I do not indulge to the point of makin myself ill , it has been a hard learning experience tryin to live a healthy lifestyle and fitting a restauraunt into it.

McDonalds,Burger King, Hardees,and Wendys Have also gotten a fair share of my earnings, GET THE BIGGEST MEAL I CAN BUY, only 69 cents more gets you a double order of fries and a huge softdrink , and to really do it right get a big frosty or a hot apple pie to top it off. I can honestly say I do not miss saying the words UPSIZE IT. Who knows how many extra calories are consumed each year just by those two words.
We are a society bent on being good to ourselves, nothing but the best or the biggest for me. I have been guilty for most of my life right along with the rest of the good ole USA. I have made changes in my life that are the right choices, I eat the right foods the majority of the time , and also the right portion. So many times the proper food is laid out before us BUT instead of eating to live and sustain our bodys , we live to eat, turning our bodies into a garbage disposal unit, I dont know, but I imagine teh intestinal tract can get over worked just like any other organs acid reflux may be a rebellion of the stomach. I eat now and sometimes am not full when I quit, but I am not hungry either, that is the place we need to be with food DONT EAT TILL YOU ARE FULL,EAT JUST UNTIL YOU ARE NO LONGER HUNGRY .I believe that one rule would change the entire country if it was adhered to.
Most of my meals are taken at home,one key thing is to keep the cookin simple, it is much easier to eat better if the preperation time is short. A standard meal for me will be a Piece of fish panfried in extra virgin olive oil, a spinach salad , I just like spinach better than lettuce , and a medium sized baked sweet potato.I can walk in thedoor and be eating in 15 minutes.If Ido choose to go to a fast food place these days I will order the sandwich and a diet drink or better yet icewater , I do go to subways occasionaly unlike gered the subway guy, who ate every meal there , that would get old really quick ;-)
ANYWAYS PEOPLE whoever may read this I hope you can learn somthing from my mistakes and triumphs , It has been a struggle for me most of my life and I have decided to control my own destiny and not leave it in the hands of FOOD ,
I will be back
cya soon Wink ;-)

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