Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Road Less Traveled is the Road For Me

I hear statistics and watch the news, and it seems that more and more people are favoring the good life, they wine and dine themselves into being a statistic. The age of modern medicine has been trumped, OBESITY has dealt society a heavy blow. A few years ago the experts were sure we would have a big population of people living healthy fulfilling lives well into there 90's, that has changed Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, are going to take there toll, OBESITY is a contributing factor in all of these medical problems.

I am choosing to exercise and eat right at least 85% of the time. Eating right and exercise is my rule. Sometimes I have a cheat day on food sometimes I don't exercise, BUT if I eat right and exercise 85 out of 100 days I will reap the rewards as will you. Its not the easy ROAD in terms of eating out, or partying to excess, it might not even make me popular,BUT it is the RIGHT road, the road less traveled the road that don't go by the Dr or by the Pharmacy nearly as much, it is the road that lowers cholesterol, the road that lowers hypertension , the road that can control diabetes more by diet than by medication, it is the road that can lead us back to the Healthy Fit Nation we were 30 years ago.

I hope that anyone that has a loved one that is obese will reach out to them and encourage them to change there lifestyle and learn a better way of living. Encourage those around you that are on the highway to early death and disease, to take The Road Less Traveled reclaim there health and vigor and be a GOOD Statistic ;)
cya soon
Wink ;)

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