Friday, October 30, 2009

Your Best Friend

I have been thinking about this for a few weeks, who is your best friend ? Is it your spouse , a lifelong buddy or galpal , your dog or cat?

Who really decides whats right for you , who is it that controls your diet , if you exercise or NOT , what you do ?

Who really can decide ultimately what path you are going to choose in life?

If you are obese , diabetic , have hypertension , these are some things your best friend can help you with!

It is not just in health and fitness that this person will stand by you, but in any direction your life may turn.

The FRIEND who will be there all the time through your darkest deepest times of trouble,to your highest and most joyful times in your life is YOU.

The Best advice I can give knowing this information, is to take care of this friend , nurture them , make sure they eat right and get enough rest , exercise is a must for this friend, get them moving.

When your best friend is in top shape mentally and physically, they will make better choices in all aspects of life.

SO the BOTTOM LINE is this Love your best friend and take care of them, then they can take care of others in a more productive way
cya soon
Wink ;)

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