Thursday, April 10, 2008


I was in the nations capitol this weekend for a fantastic fitness camp with Tony Horton, Creator of the p90x program I am currently using. The weekend consisted of an informal rock climbing outing Friday night after checking into the Hotel, that was an experience I will never forget. We climbed walls that were straight up and some that were inverted, I managed to get up most of them, that was quite a workout in itself.
Saturday morning we assembled at 8AM for a workout led by Tony Horton, these workouts are very intense and on the average I burned 700 calories for the hour. There was an additional workout Saturday plus a workshop on proper form.
Sunday the beatings continued as we were led through an hour of vinyosa power yoga , had breakfast then another seminar. This seminar was very interesting and he spoke on a small part of the brain in the frontal lobe called the hippo campus , it is about the size of the thumbnail part of your thumb and is responsible for your sense of well being, 20 minutes of cardio exercise a day stimulates this part of the brain and has been found to battle depression and help fight Alzheimer's.
This was a fantastic fun filled weekend shared with people from all over the country and Canada with no common interests other than to be healthy and fit, and the desire to share that health and fitness with others
cya soon
Wink ;-)


Lori Jantzi said...

Hey buddy, Earl! I just found your blog! Great info here!

I had soooo much fun at this camp and appreciated your advice re: heart rate monitor. I just love it! I like the heart rate alarm beeps letting me know when I'm out of range. But I especially like it when I'm finished and it lets me know how many calories I burned. That makes it all the more fun! Kinda like a game each time I workout! Really pushes me to increase my intensity each time! Gotta hit at least 500/day! :)

I'll be checking in here again! Blessings to you! :)

Thanks, Earl!

your Canadian friend,
Lori :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.