Thursday, April 17, 2008



Do you really want it
Is it really worth it
Every bite counts
Treat your body with respect

I know most people that are on a weight loss plan or a diet,that is the most favored of words,associate it with doing without something they like. They will think of deprivation and hunger,it does not have to be that way.Make a plan, read up on good foods, EAT BREAKFAST wake your body up, DONT let it go into starvation mode. 5 to 6 meals a day is a good thing never real hungry never real full.Compose a list of foods you like that are healthy, Make up a few simple meals that have little prep time. The less you have to think about food the easier it gets. You get home you pop that sweetpotatoe in the oven toss that salad fix that piece of fish or chicken 20 minutes, you are eatin a healthy supper, and there are no leftovers ;-) I know I make it sound easy to eat healthy and it really is. If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything. It is mind over matter. In this case it does matter, alot of us are middleaged and are heading toward the senior years and time is not gettin any slower.We need to fight old age every step of the way reverse our biological clock. I am goin to be like the timex watch , I am goin to keep on ticking.

cya soon
Wink ;)

1 comment:

Lori Jantzi said...

Couldn't agree more, Earl! :)