Friday, October 30, 2009

Life is Short, or is it to Long

You often hear the Phrase Life is Short,and in many ways this is completely accurate. I look back over my life almost 50 years and it seems like yesterday I was shooting marbles on the school yard. I guess the good life is what seems to be a short life, one filled with Health goodtimes and loved ones around you.

The long life and it may not be that long in terms of actual time mind you, is most likely filled with poor health , times might not be so good , and it just drags by forever because you would rather be somewhere else.

We can Decide in some cases to be able to look back and say Life was Good and in the same way we can decide if life is to be long and miserable.

If you choose a good diet and choose to move your ass some each day, there is a really good chance you will look back and say," THAT was QUITE a RIDE I HAD"

If you On the Other hand Decide to Eat Drink and be Merry all the time with no care of the ravages to your body, there is a good chance life will drag on unmercifully long in nursing homes or even just being housebound , or needing special equipment just to sustain you a few more agonizing long years.

Please Join Me and Be able to Look back and say
cya soon

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