Friday, October 30, 2009

How Hungry Are You

Hunger is not just about food. It’s desire. If you desire something, you might go after it and you might not. IF YOU REALLY WANT something, then nothing will stand in your way. In my personal life, I really desired to lose weight and get healthy. I have achieved that goal and maintained my results for a few years now. I know anything I succeed at or suck at, is in my approach to the problem. If I really want something and hit a stone wall, I will get around that wall or over it or under it.

There are not many homeruns hit if you look at the grand scheme of things … and fewer Grand Slams. Base hits win ballgames over and over. We all have to learn to appreciate our base hits and know that an accumulation of them will ultimately win the game for us.

I am a lifer in the fitness department. I was never a 90 day wonder. Changes seem to take longer for me, but they do happen, and they will happen in every aspect of mine or your life if you continue one day at a time. Consistency will win the majority of the time.

So what are you HUNGRY for and what are you REALLY HUNGRY for? Do you want to lose weight, do you want to get ripped, do you want to succeed in business or do you REALLY want it? Look inside yourself and you will find the answer.
cya soon
Wink ;-)

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