I Have been obese most of my life as a child and an adult. It was not anything I really thought about, it was just a way of life. I was the typical fat child, picked on by other kids, made fun of by adults.
When I started Elementary School I
discovered this fantastic place it was called a cafeteria, and they had two older ladies that were wonderful cooks. I would buy my lunch and anything other kids
didn't want they would give to me.
My principal once came into my 4
Th grade class and asked me to stand up. I wondered why he was choosing me. After I stood up he said " I just wanted to make sure you could get up after all the soup you ate ". That was humiliating to me, But I just smiled and went on with my day.
I always had to wear Sears husky pants as a child and they
didn't fit right were always tight under my belly, and I always ended up ripping the crotch out of them, because even tho I was obese , I was a very active child, I played ball, shot marbles played on the
swing sets and jungle gyms. I knew I was fat tho and knew that it was not a good thing, kids are honest and cruel ,its just the way it is.
As a fat child you get picked on and have to fight or run, I avoided fights as long as I could but when cornered I was able to hold my own for the most part, not that I am proud of fighting BUT it did keep the
bully's away for awhile till they would forget, and my life was easier for awhile.
I mentioned I was an active child , I also learned to read very quickly and became a bookworm,
even at night when I was home I would read under the covers at night with a flashlight, and i school I would cover my text book with some kind of outdoor adventure novel usually with some great
outdoors man pitted against the elements and great adversity, it was an escape of sorts I would read and I was that person with the loyal dog.
When you grow up fat and feel like that is the normal you get used to being an outcast by all but a couple close friends. Its a part of life I
wouldn't suggest anybody have to go through.
After little league football practice there was almost everyday somebody wanting to fight me, and the only think I can figure out is because I was the fat kid the bottom of the food chain, a target. Like I mentioned earlier I avoided the fights at all costs but sometimes
couldn't get away.
That's not a fun day when you know at the end of it you are
going to have to face a bully or a new bully.
There was this little country store down the road about a mile and a half from where I lived , an older gentleman and his wife made there living there many years Mr and Mrs
Byer gave me my first credit probably at 10 years old. I had a charge account and would go in and buy a quart of chocolate milk and the biggest lunch snack cake I could buy, at the time it was a rainbow bakery cinnamon bun type thing with that sugar icing on it, and that filled me up pretty good. My Mom went into the store to try to settle up with Mrs
Byer and she told my mother that was between she and I, so that was a pleasant childhood memory, this little old lady was kind to a fat kid.
Meal times at home growing up was a good thing, in the mornings I would get up ahead of everybody on the weekends and pour myself a huge bowl of cereal and when it was gone add more cereal to the leftover milk in the bowl. Dad was and still is a great hunter there was always deer , turkey , and various small game to eat, and I ate my fill I always ate way past the comfort zone, and was always told I had better clean up everything on my plate, and I knew that wasn't an idle threat. I would go to my grandmas house in the morning after breakfast and there was often bowls of cornflakes on her table left untouched other than having the milk poured on them, so I would eat a bowl of soggy sugary sweet cornflakes as a second breakfast and sometimes a big slab of homemade bread with butter she had churned on it.
I was up before everyone on the weekends and out and about, I rode my bike everywhere, or I would go on the hills that surrounds my dads house and swing on grapevines or pick
blackberry's , sometimes I would play in the creek damming it up or catching
craw fish and minnows, I was very active as a child if I hadn't been with the amount of food I ate I would have been morbidly obese even as a child.
There was no fat people in my family other than myself, I remember my dad making me run around the house to try to make me lose weight , people in that day
didn't know about nutrition as much as we do in this day and time.
My Mom would pay me to lose weight 1 dollar a pound and I thought that was a good thing I would starve myself to lose a few pounds and then we would go out and eat to celebrate my
weight loss, another great incentive to lose weight, more food, but she felt she was doing the right thing and I loved those
restaurant meals , the days before
McDonald's and
That experiment proved money can't buy everything.
I will close here and post again soon
cya soon
Wink ;-)