Wednesday, March 21, 2007


HEY GUYS. There seems to be a lot of controversy these days concerning gastric bypass surgery. I am sure some people have it done because they are at the end of there rope, and feel it is the only solution they have left. I am here to say, I once considered it as well, Tired of being BIG, Tired of being looked at in a BAD way, Tired of being BIG EARL, and Tired of being TIRED. Before I had considered having gastric bypass surgery I had went to a local physician, attempting to get a prescription for one of the new appetite suppressants of the current day , I really don't even recall the name of this particular drug, but all in all I must have pretty good drs. as none ever felt comfortable enough to prescribe any of those drugs to me. The thing I have to get off my chest is this. When I went to my dr on the last particular expedtition to try to attain the elusive appetite suppressants, which he would not prescribe. I went home empty handed and basically forgot about the drugs, not being one to rock the boat. I went on for a couple weeks maybe even as much as a month, then one day the phone ran a Drs office , not my Dr. was on the phone, I really dont know how they got my medical records as I always had assumed a dr patient relationship was privliged information. These people told me that under the current guidelines I was a perfect candidate for gastric bypass surgery,I totally went off on these people, whoever they were. I asked them did they consider it safer to cut up a persons intestines, than to precribe a medication to suppress ones appetite, I dont think they were expecting the response they got from me.I was angry , shocked, felt humiliated, I was overwieight not morbidly obese, at least that was how I saw the picture. I went on for a few more years, I would diet and lose a few pounds, I would put them back on season after season. I guess I finally arrived at the conclusion that i was morbidly obese and if somthing wasnt done by me I would not live to be a ripe old age. Looking back I still do not condone trying to drum up business for the surgeons on the telephone, but I do believe facilitys that offer these magic bullet operations should test patients to see if there is a problem with there metabolism, thyroid or anything else that would avoid a very intrusive surgery. If the only problem with the patient is to much food and no excercise,extensive diet counseling should be the first option the physician looks at. He or She should be thinking of the patients longterm future, and not just another day in the O.R. My personal physician these days does not advocate gastric bypasses, he doesnt think the entire story on them is in yet. Some people literally die from malnutrition following these procedures, others find a way to eat and end up gaining all there former weight back within a year or two. I was reading an article earlier today, that links a form of brain desease to the gastric bypass. In closing I believe in all sincerity with my heart of hearts, Education is the real tool to overcome obesity. People need to learn to read labels , they need to know something enriched is NOT a good thing it is just full of additives. I used to be the ultimate fatboy, my goal these days is to be the ultimate fitboy, and it is my desire that all who read this and face the same choices I faced, choose to fight the good fight and take there health into there own hands and educate themselves to the end goal of being a healthy fit person. cya soon ;-) Wink

Monday, March 12, 2007


I am a winner. The folks at Million Dollar Body say it is so.I feel great about this.I have never been the best at to many things in my life.The Best news is this,YOU can also be a winner. All it takes to be a winner with MDB is a serious commitment to diet and exercise.There is no magic bullet, just the determination to succeed. I have found in my personal journey, results have been the great motivator. It is true some workouts are so boring, that 45 minutes seems like 3 days, but then you measure your results against that time spent, and if you are successful it makes it all worthwhile .
I measure my success in pounds, inches, stamina, and strength. If you have succeeded in all these things you are on your way to being a much healthier and happier person. The bottom line is this people, you can wait around and do nothing worthwhile for yourself, or you can get busy, find a workout program that is right for you. It can be walking, jogging riding a bicycle, the main thing is to move, any athletic movement will make you a much fitter person in mind and body. SO GET BUSY AND DO ANYTHING
cya soon Wink;-)